Learning to speak my erotic language with the Erotic Blueprints

I've been immersing myself in this revolutionary work created by my friend Jaiya that has been Rocking. My. World.

I’m talking about the Erotic Blueprints.

It's like the 5 Love Languages applied to your sexual expression! And yes - everyone has an erotic blueprint type.
Much like with the love languages, we often ‘speak’ our erotic language to our partners, instead of knowing, understanding and speaking in theirs. Without awareness of the dynamic interplay between various blueprint types, there’s room for so much miscommunication in the bedroom (and beyond!). Consequently, that’s often where you hear couples say “we just aren’t sexually compatible”.

Once you know your erotic blueprint type, it’s like having a secret decoder ring to creating super fulfilling intimacy. Knowing my type opened up a new level of personal pleasure and sexual satisfaction I didn’t even know was possible. To say I’ve learned a lot about myself and my partner in the process of studying the blueprints is really an understatement.

Learning about my Erotic Blueprint type has given me:
• understanding of my desires
• language to communicate my desires
• creative ways to connect to my partner sexually
• unwinding shame about some of my kinks
• maximizing on my desires to create more pleasure!
• expanded capacity for pleasure
• understanding my partner more in and out of the bedroom
• harnessing and utilizing my 'inner dominatrix' to get sh*t done in my business!
• deeper connection and healing in my relationship
• tools to take the charge out of conflict and create empathy with my partner
• more turn on energy in all areas of life, helping me feel sexy, empowered and alive!

As I was contemplating what I’ve learned, it seemed endless! Because what I’m discovering is that when it comes to healing and expanding in the realm of sexuality, when it comes to expanding my capacity for pleasure and aliveness, so far, there really seem to be no limits.
The truth is, we are all capable of this. Each and every one of us is wired for pleasure. But in our culture (I come from the US), we run into plenty of obstacles that take us out of our natural state of aliveness and dampen our capacity for pleasure. Over time, we shut ourselves down until we are only experiencing a fraction of our true selves.
So, imagine, what else could be possible for you? All of the healing and expanding I’ve done sexually is possible for everyone. Work with me to discover how exploring and healing your blueprint can bring you back into your natural state of expansive joy, aliveness and pleasure! Schedule your free consultation here.

Wanna find our your Erotic Blueprint type??
Click HERE to take the quiz and find out!

(Pro tip: share the quiz with your friends, you'll start having some really fun and juicy conversations!)

Erin Celeste