Erotic Blueprints on the Goop Podcast!

Check out more about the Erotic Blueprints from the founder — Jaiya herself was interviewed on the Goop podcast and covered a lot of fun and juicy territory, including:


  • Men are not all S£xual Types

  • What Kinky really means

  • A mismatch in turn ons does not mean you’re incompatible with your partner (and some ideas on how to ignite passion when you have a different Blueprint than your lover)

Deep musings on…

  • Societal conditioning that may be running psychological programs that control your s£xual expression. You may want to expand beyond these scripts to claim your pleasure

  • S£x as a pathway to ecstatic, transcendent states, which can free us from our stories and open the door to discovering who and what you really are!

  • Are you numb to pleasure? What does that mean and how can you work with it? Boundaries and consent as the foundation for orgasmic fulfillment

    >>Check out the Podcast Interview Here!<<

Erin Celeste