About Erin Celeste Grace:

I have been a seeker of inner and outer beauty (aka: my true essence) my whole life. From an early age, I experienced anxiety, body pain and gut health issues, causing me to journey through the world of spirituality and healing to find solutions. Interwoven with these experiences, I have also been privileged to travel widely, learn a foreign language and be immersed in beautiful landscapes, make and study art, and have awe-inspiring spiritual and human experiences.

On this seeker’s path, I have sought formal education and mentoring in various healing modalities. My current work includes Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (in person and at distance), and soul-body coaching and mentoring.

When I’m not geeking out on all things mystical and healing, you can find me either traveling and exploring historic sites, or being an introvert at home, making art, listening to my garden, and telling my cat how pretty she is.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST) from Colorado School of Energy Studies
Certified Touch-Free CST Specialist
Accelerated Evolution Coach
Bachelor of Arts in Art History and French

My work is also informed by:
Internal Family Systems
Ancestral Lineage Healing
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Rolfing Structural Integration
Jaiya and the Blueprint Breakthrough