When you are born, you are a tabula rasa, a blank slate. People love babies for their purity, their innocence, and their openness. They are still in touch with the essence of who they are, before life happens with its injuries, illness, trauma, social, religious and familial conditioning, and the existential troubles that proliferate in the existence of modern humans.
Read MoreYou settle into the scene, feeling relaxation washing over you, and begin to feel a profound sense of calm spreading not only through your body, but also your mind and spirit.
Read MoreAlthough humans crave certainty, one thing that’s clear is that life is going to give us anything but that. Spiritual practices such as meditation and supportive modalities like biodynamic craniosacral therapy and coaching can provide tools to make it easier (maybe even more invigorating!) to ride the waves of life.
Read MoreWhether you have welcome this change, or are kicking and screaming, we need “medicine” that will help us navigate this transition. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is especially helpful for the traumatic and intense cultural milieu we find ourselves in in the present day.
Read MoreI was honored to be the guest on my dear friend Rabbi Jessica Marshall’s Sacred Stories video series! In this deeply powerful conversation, I share my story about finding my own voice and how that emerges in my relationships.
We explore the universal human question, "Can I trust to be loved as my true self?" Can I show up as I truly am and be deeply loved for that?……
Who has time for pleasure? I have one hundred items my ever-expanding to-do list.
-Embodied pleasure practices can be short, fun, interesting and easy to fit into your life. Yes, even if you ARE over-scheduled. Most Americans spend 52 hours a month (on average), wasting time on TV, social media, etc. What if we took even one of those hours and….
Read More"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."-Victor FranklThe pause is the critical moment where we get to put theory into practice. This is the moment when you recognize and choose your actions. When you exercise choice, you harness your own power.
Read MoreThere are a lot of women who want men to be more open, vulnerable, emotionally available. I think men want this too. And it’s no question that men can tend to disconnect, brood, and try to handle their emotions on their own in isolation.
Read MoreMy energy feels low, toxic, thick and compressed. There's a feeling in me of just.....wrongness. I look in the mirror, I judge all of my flaws. I wish I was better. I vow to "do" better, or "be" better, or make different choices to make myself feel better about myself.
How often is this a part of your inner dialogue? Have you ever tracked it? I would say for me, depending on the day, where I am in my cycle, etc, it can hover around 65%.
Read MoreWhat is your definition of love?
Here's (one of) mine.
My version includes: championing another person's sovereignty. Letting another person have an experience of their choosing, in their quest for their own happiness and growth. That experience might not be an experience *I* choose. It might not even include me.
Read MoreMany couples are doing okay but feel like something is missing. Others may have a sense that they are great friends, but not great lovers. Some feel like they are only roommates, or that they have been disconnected for years, fueling resentment. The great news is, that wherever your relationship is now is not where it needs to stay.
Read MoreWhen you block yourself from feeling a wave of emotion, you block your physical body as a way to block the emotion. After years of this, your body stops moving. And chances are, you don't feel much of anything.
Read MoreThe constant 'noise' in my head caused by anxiety prevented me from seriously pursuing creative passions like dance and music. It discouraged me from certain educational paths. It talked me out of many a social or recreational pursuit, and crippled my ability to leave the house on many an occasion. It has caused me chronic body discomfort, digestive issues, jaw tension and an inability to concentrate. It robbed me of joy, confounded my ability to make clear decisions, or to even hear the wisdom of my own intuition.
Read MoreWhen my ex-boyfriend and I broke up four years ago, I was devastated. I remained attached to him in unhealthy ways that negatively affected me, him and close mutual friends. I was broke, alone in my mourning, and felt abandoned. I remember crying so hard one night I vomited. This went on for months. Summer turned into autumn, and then into the inevitable darkness of winter. I spent that long winter in a basement apartment, isolated and lonely, with spotty internet service and my two cats. It was not pretty.
Read MoreSounds silly, I know. But how many of us were ever taught the art of healthy relationships?
Most of us learn how to 'do' relationships from the ways in which our parents or primary caretakers engaged in their relationships. And....well.....let's just say that for me, Relationship School in my family left a lot to be desired. Because they weren't well educated in healthy relationships either!
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