Feeling Disconnected? How BCST Guides You Back to Your Core Essence
Tabula Rasa (n.):
1 the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
2 something existing in its original pristine state
Humans are complex and multi-dimensional beings; souls encased in a human body. As such, there are many layers to the human experience that are equally complex and play with each other in unique, interesting and sometimes challenging ways. You are a unique amalgamation of biology, physiology, fluids, emotions, psychology, spirit and energy. The beauty of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is that it works with every layer of the human experience to bring you back to the core of your being that is rooted in wholeness and health.
When you are born, you are a tabula rasa, a blank slate. People love babies for their purity, their innocence, and their openness. They are still in touch with the essence of who they are, before life happens with its injuries, illness, trauma, social, religious and familial conditioning, and the existential troubles that proliferate in the existence of modern humans.
A baby's innocence and openness are so beautiful and touching because they are reminiscent of that essence of wholeness within each of us.
No matter what we have experienced in life, that pure essence exists at the core of your being, and can be accessed to turn on your self-healing ability and connect you with that essence.
BCST as an energy modality tracks the subtle biorhythms that exist within the body and the field around the body. These biorhythms are universal creative forces that, when allowed to flow freely, can amplify health and clear the underlying patterns of disease.
Imagine a beautiful mountain stream. In its healthiest state, the water is flowing smoothly and freely between the banks. Leaves, small sticks and branches float easily along. Say a big branch falls in and blocks some of the water. Those leaves and sticks will begin to stick to that branch and over time create an area of stagnation, an eddy where the water is not flowing. If it is there long enough, it may even create a little ecosystem of overgrown algae or muck that makes it unrecognizable from its original state. Now imagine it’s springtime again, and the flow of water is amplified as the snow melts, allowing more water to flow. With this increase in water flow, it begins to slowly break up the gathered debris in this stagnant eddy, and eventually, allows the entire stream to flow freely and naturally again.
That’s the power of BCST - it amplifies the health that is ever present, but has become diminished or stagnant when the forces of disease or conditioning take over in the system. Rather than focusing on stagnation, it amplifies the flow that exists abundantly within.
It is not about symptom management, bandaid solutions, trendy self-care or self-development programs. Because this place of wholeness is already within you, the work’s most profound implication is that it connects YOU back to YOU.