Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is good medicine for our times.

A global pandemic. Massive unrest and new awareness of social injustice. Systems that we have relied on for such a long time have completely changed our way of being in the world over the last year. There’s a good chance you’re still struggling to find your way and orient to the new landscape. You might even feel the added pressure to “get back to normal”. Whether welcome or not, this has forced a change to a the old way of life, and we are facing wide-spread changes to our foundational way of being.

Whether you have welcome this change, or are kicking and screaming, we need “medicine” that will help us navigate this transition. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is especially helpful for the traumatic and intense cultural milieu we find ourselves in in the present day. If you’re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed, shut down, confused, anxious, irritated, on-edge, experiencing digestive or sleep issues, chronic body tension or any other heightened sense of general unease, this work can brilliantly help your whole body find the equilibrium that has felt elusive. It is an especially beneficial adjunct to other types of healing and personal growth work such as coaching and therapy.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful hands-on treatment for body and mind. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is generally light and still. The work is focused on supporting the health of the whole being, especially the nervous system. This is the system that directs your internal and external experience in the world. It is responsible for both your involuntary functioning (digestion, circulation, etc.) and your capacity to experience and engage in the outside world, including your felt sense of safety, belonging, and well-being.

The practitioner’s touch listens to the fluctuations of the fluids and anatomical structures within the craniosacral system. By lightly stimulating the branch of the nervous system responsible for healing, craniosacral therapy affords the body the time and space it needs to start repairing the damage that has built up over weeks, months or decades.

Because of its gentle nature, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy has few contraindications. 

Benefits can include a sense of ease, spaciousness and stillness in your whole system as symptoms begin to resolve. Pain may decrease and you may feel deeply relaxed and centered as your body begins to release holding patterns and re-orient to its inherent sense of thriving and wholeness.

Sessions are available in central Denver throughout this summer. Please contact me as soon as possible so that I can support your health and healing. Blessings to you, see you soon.

Erin Celeste