The Erotic Blueprints on the Believe Be Bold Be Real Podcast

Hello! Well, it’s been a hell of a year (#understatement). So many of us (myself especially!) breathed a BIG huge cleansing breath of relief on the December 21st solstice as we welcomed in what some astrologers are calling the “official” start to the Aquarian Age!


Well, as much as we wish we could just ‘put all of that behind us’, 2020 actually gave us a huge gift. A gift of being a big ol’ mirror for us to check out our collective shadow as a culture. Because the macrocosm usually is a reflection of the microcosm (and vice-versa), I definitely got cozy with my own individual shadows this year! What a doozy.

Oh! I digress! Shadow work is a big juicy topic for another time (like, I could actually spend all of 2021 talking shadow material—so be on the lookout for more there!)

But back to the solstice! This podcast episode was released on December 21, so it’s kind of like my Solstice baby. I had a lot of fun chatting with Dave Glaser of the Believe Be Bold Be Real podcast, talking about the Erotic Blueprints, the myth of sexual incompatibility, and I dive into a little of my own journey with sexuality.
Hope you enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


Click Here to Listen to the Episode!